Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Party to Remember!

Daniel celebrated his fourth birthday with many wonderful friends and family members yesterday. It was too much fun! He loved going down the slides, jumping, and running around the place like crazy! We even got adventurous as parents and let Caroline go down the big slide with Daddy. She wasn't quite sure what to think! I am attaching a movie of it below, so be sure to check it out! Thank you to all of you reading this that were there. I think Daniel will be opening fun new things for the next several weeks! I am posting some of my favorite pics from the weekend.

MiMi and Caroline relaxing on Saturday

Daniel and Paw Paw hanging out on the couch

On the way to Pump It Up!!

Dad and Daniel just before all of the guests arrive

Mom and Daniel ready to party!

Daniel and his buddy Logan

Alex R. loves the slide!

Say cheese Caleb!

Most of the party animals--Daniel is in pink on the right


Caroline and her friend Bella enjoying the party!

Ann Rogers and Jack celebrating Daniel's fourth!

Caroline taking a break with PePaw

Zeke--the Joey's male rep!

Caroline's slide debut!

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