Monday, December 15, 2008

The Rockettes and Brunch with Santa

We had a super busy weekend! Saturday morning, the kids let us sleep in until almost 8 (which was awesome)! We headed to Olan Mills to make a rather traumatic picture with all of the cousins. See, we were told we had the first appointment at 10:00. Well, they apparently decided to take some groups early because we arrived to a room full of people being photographed and waiting (ahead of us) to have their pictures taken. So imagine this: FIVE anxious children ages 7 months to four years old in a perfect mood for pictures at 10:00 (our appointement time) but by 11:30 (the time we go in) tired and hungry. It all turned out okay, and I think they got a decent picture. BUT I DO NOT recommend Olan Mills in B'ham! We will definitely go the independent professional route next time!

This is the Olan Mills pic we finally got!

The afternoon was much better. Caroline took a long nap and D and I had some down time. Then we got all dressed and ready to go see the Rockettes! They were amazing! Beautiful ladies dancing in perfect sync, a flying Santa, exploding streamers, the show had it all!
Sunday morning we went to church and then ate brunch with Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Country Club. I will have to post the pictures later. I wish that our visit with Santa at the mall could have gone as well! I don't really like the pic we got at the Galleria because neither of the kids are really smiling. We got some great ones at the Club. Caroline just loved the Santa there, and she did not want to leave his lap! I guess everything is better with a belly full of brunch!

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