Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good Food, Great Friends

Tonight I went to dinner at Brio with some dear friends. Elizabeth, Abby, and Morgan were teammates of mine when I taught second grade at Edgewood. Actually, Morgan and I were preggers together through the hottest summer in recent history! Her daughter, Bella, was born only days before Caroline. They are big buddies! Morgan is now pregnant with a sweet baby boy to join us in May. We can't wait to meet him! Abby and I are still together at Edgewood, but now that I am in a different grade level, we rarely get to see each other. :( Elizabeth is now teaching in Vestavia, so I hardly ever get to see her either. We do dinners and get togethers as much as we can with our crazy schedules. These are three of my most favorite people!

me, Elizabeth, Abby, and Morgan

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