Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy Afternoons

Sissy showing me the flower she has just picked from my flower pot!

Caroline and our neighbor, Bryce ("Byce")

Just too cute for words!

The boys playing T-ball with Davis

Daniel's buddy Quinn swinging away!

Getting ready for t-ball!

Cooling down with popsicles after play time in the yard

Daddy helping D with his swing at the CC

On the road again!

Well, you might think that school starting might slow us down--not a chance! The neighborhood friends are waiting in our driveway for D and C to get home from school so that they can play most every afternoon. We are blessed with a street full of little friends for the kids. After some fun outside, we are usually in for a quick dinner and then on the road again! Church, Gran and PePaws, the golf course, the park for a run...
So is life (and we love it!)!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here's to the Class of 2022!

Can you tell he adores his teacher?

Reading books outside the classroom waiting for the bell to ring!

First Day Jitters? NO WAY!

In mommy's room--just before heading down to the kindergarten hall.

Sneaking in a hug after meet and greet

D and Dad having fun in his awesome K room! Look at all the goodies from Mrs. Bollman!

Yep. This is going to be alllllright.

One happy Kindergartener!

How grown up does he look here???!

Oh my. I can't believe it.

Welcome to VHECH!

As hard as it is to believe, tomorrow at this time D will have completed his first week of kindergarten! Time has flown--where has it gone? Seems like just yesterday I was dropping him off at Mrs. Cile's house in his infant carrier as a 5 month old!

Daniel and I both absolutely adore his teacher, sweet Mrs. Bollman. She and her classroom are the cutest things EVER! Seriously, I have been in a lot of classrooms, and his is amazing!!! So bright, colorful, happy, and well organized!

We have both had a great first week. I love chatting with him on the way to school, seeing his smiling face when I walk down to carpool to drop my students off and meet him, and hanging out with him in my room after school while I work. I think that Vestavia Hills is perhaps the best system in the south. Ofcourse, I do work there, so I might be a bit biased! But really, they are truly in it for the kids. They expect a lot of their students, teachers, and administrators and it shows! I am all about high expectations. I thank the Lord for placing us in such a top notch place!