Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wow! It has been a while!!!

I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted. Read on, and you will understand why! Okay, so I decided that I needed to teach again. I just had an empty place inside and being the teacher at heart that I am, I decided to take a job teaching preschool at a local church. After much debate, I decided if I was going to teach, I was going to teach. I called the Homewood Board of Education to see if they had anything that they still needed filled (two weeks before school started!) and she said they were watching the numbers in K at Edgewood. As it turns out, the numbers were there SOOOO I am teaching Kindergarten at Edgewood this year! This was not decided until the week before school started, so needless to say it has been a whirlwind. This was a new unit, so we had nothing "in stock"!! Thank goodness Homewood provides the teachers with what we need at request. Thanks to my wonderful team and administration, my room is set and I am all "Kindergartened up"! I had never taught below second grade, so it has been a change! Daniel has really prepared me for this job! He is actually going to preschool at St. Mark's, where Matt's mom teaches preschool. He LOOOVES going to "Gran's" school. Caroline is staying part time with a friend of mine who is a stay at home mom and part time with her Gran. Matt is also in the midst of a career change, so needless to say we have been a household of MAJOR change over the past month! We will soon celebrate Caroline's first birthday. I just can't believe she is almost a year old. She has SUCH a fun personality. It is a strong one--she will let you know what she likes and does not like, and she will take you on to get what she wants (just ask Daniel!). They say little girls with big brothers are tough, and boy is that accurate with her! She is trying so hard to talk. I think she will be an earlier talker like Daniel. I am attaching some pics from us playing around here at the house below. Hope everyone is well!

This is what Caroline does when you tell her to smile!! Such a hoot!

This little girl LOOVES for her daddy to "make her fly!"

Daniel is his spider man mask. Notice the official spider man thing he is doing with his fingers...

Caroline MUST do whatever her big brother does. Wherever he goes, she must go. She idolizes him!

This is sissy trying to say give me the mask back! She thought wearing it was the funniest thing!